Concrete BC is pleased to provide various training opportunities each year



Concrete BC is pleased to provide various training opportunities each year

Basic Concrete

Technology Workshop

This course presents an overview of the properties of concrete as needed in concrete construction, including strength and durability. Students receive a copy of ‘Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures (8th edition)’, published by the Cement Association of Canada, that is used as the basis for the presentations that include:

For more information on this course please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to find when the next course is being offered.

Basic Concrete

Technology Workshop

This 2-day course presents an overview of the properties of concrete as needed in concrete construction, including strength and durability. Students receive a copy of ‘Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures (8th edition)’, published by the Cement Association of Canada, that is used as the basis for the presentations that include:

For more information on this course please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to find when the next course is being offered.

Concrete Driver Professional


This internationally recognized course is offered for employees / drivers of Concrete BC member companies and focuses on five key areas:

• Product Knowledge
• Environmental Awareness
• Customer & Company Relations
• Safety
• Vehicle Maintenance & Operations

Certification is valid for five years and wallet cards, and certificates will be issued once the student passes the exam with a mark of 70% or over and full payment has been received.

This online certification is $250 pp for members and the expected duration of the course is 11 hours.

Please Note: It may take up to 72 hours to receive your key!

Dispatch Training

This online course teaches dispatchers, schedulers and their managers how to take orders, schedule and deliver concrete that meets all the requirements as agreed to with customers. The course hones in on a dispatcher’s job skills.

  • taking orders
  • dealing with priority customers
  • using advance notices to ease scheduling and delivery
  • callbacks
  • clean ups
  • add on orders
  • will calls
  • small load charges
  • excessive unloading times
  • scheduling math
  • plant vs. central dispatch
  • managing the dispatch office and personnel
  • rapid problem solving skills, including value selling
  • expert phone listening skills
  • maintaining a proper attitude under stress

Skills are immediately applicable when the participant returns to their workplace.

$400 per Concrete BC Member
$500 per CRMCA/ICBA Member
$600 per Non-member

For more information on this forum please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to find when the next course is being offered.

Dispatch Training

This course teaches dispatchers, schedulers and their managers how to take orders, schedule and deliver concrete that meets all the requirements as agreed to with customers. The course hones in on a dispatcher’s job skills.

· taking orders
· dealing with priority customers
· using advance notices to ease scheduling and delivery
· callbacks
· clean ups
· add on orders
· will calls
· small load charges
· excessive unloading times
· scheduling math
· plant vs. central dispatch
· managing the dispatch office and personnel
· rapid problem solving skills, including value selling
· expert phone listening skills
· maintaining a proper attitude under stress

Skills are immediately applicable when the participant returns to their workplace.

$349 per student, available here:

For more information on this forum please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to find when the next course is being offered.

Pervious Certification

Pervious Concrete Technician Certification Program

The goal of this certification program is to ensure that knowledgeable contractors are selected to place the product and thereby minimize the chance for failure. Concrete BC is the local sponsoring group in BC for the Pervious Concrete Technician Program through the National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA).

3 levels of certification are available:

A Pervious Concrete Technician is a person who demonstrated knowledge about proper procedures to place, compact, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect pervious concrete pavements, but who lacks the requisite field experience to qualify as a pervious concrete Installer or Craftsman.

A Pervious Concrete Installer is a person who has demonstrated the ability to place, compact, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect pervious concrete pavements but has documented limited project-based field experience in placing pervious concrete.

A Pervious Concrete Craftsman is a person who has demonstrated the ability to place, compact, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect pervious concrete pavements and has documented a higher level of field time-based experience in placing pervious concrete.

For more information on this program please contact Concrete BC office at,
or call 604-626-4141

ACI Certification

The ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Course, is presented locally by Concrete BC member Metro Testing & Engineering Ltd. Participants of this course will gain an understanding of basic concrete field testing, and with hands-on practice will develop skills needed to pass the performance exam and written exam for ACI Field Testing Technician – Level 1. This certification is based on CSA A23.1/A23.2:19 test methods.

For more information on the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Course please contact Cengiz Guldemet at or contact the office at 604-436-9111.

This course will be offered regularly over the year. Please check for more details.

For more information on these certifications please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to see if it’s listed in the our calendar.

ACI Certification

Knowledge of basic concrete technology and proper concrete flatwork practices are critical to produce durable concrete flatwork that meets industry standards and the satisfaction of project owners. To increase the technical knowledge and quality of work provided by the concrete industry, ACI, British Columbia Chapter, in partnership with Concrete BC have collaborated to present the ACI Concrete Flatwork Finisher & Technician Certification courses. These courses provide concrete flatwork finishers, contractors and engineers with recognition of their knowledge, skills and expertise.

Participants of the full-day lecture, who obtain a passing grade of 70% on the written exam, will receive a 5-year Concrete Flatwork Technician certification. Individuals with this certification can upgrade to full Flatwork Finisher status upon submittal and approval of sufficient work experience and/or successful completion of the ACI performance evaluation.

For more information on ACI Certification Programs please contact Concrete BC at or 604-626-4141 or visit the American Concrete Institute website.

The ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Course, is presented locally by Concrete BC member KDR Engineering Consultants Ltd. Participants of this course will gain an understanding of basic concrete field testing, and with hands-on practice will develop skills needed to pass the performance exam and written exam for ACI Field Testing Technician – Level 1. This certification is based on CSA A23.1/A23.2-19 test methods.

For more information on the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Course please contact Kathie Kompauer at or 604-847-0570.

For more information on these certifications please contact Concrete BC office at, call 604-626-4141,
or click below to see if it’s listed in the our calendar.

Concrete Pump Operator

Safety Training – Now In-Person/Online

Concrete BC’s Pumping Committee is pleased to deliver BC’s Concrete Pump Operator’s Safety Training Manual. The manual identifies and clarifies the specific basic information needed for concrete pump operators to perform their work safely and effectively. This course was updated in 2019 to reflect the changes in this dynamic industry.

Concrete BC will be delivering this information in a series of half- day workshops focused on teaching this basic training standard.

For more information on this program please contact Concrete BC office at or click below to find out when the next
Concrete Pump Operator Safety Training is being offered.

Additional Recognized Education

In-Person and Online


  • A comprehensive online construction site safety orientation program developed in British Columbia, providing workers with the core knowledge they need to understand the safety requirements of any construction site in the province and to work there with confidence.
  • Estimated time to complete: 6-8 hours

Cost: $65 +GST

Principles of Health & Safety Management (PHSM)

  • This online course is designed to provide guidance and instruction about developing a simple yet robust Health and Safety manual. The course material is geared towards the construction industry, and offers sample policies, forms and checklists that can be tailored into a cost-effective company Health and Safety manual. The PHSM course aims to help employers build a solid foundation for developing the Safety Programs & Safety Management System.
  • Estimated time to complete: 6-7 hours and is self-paced & online.

Cost: FREE

Leadership for Safety Excellence (LSE®)

  • Introduces the basic concepts of health & safety and is designed to provide participants with tools to integrate into their daily activities. Course materials are geared toward supervisory positions, however, will benefit others who are responsible for health & safety in their organizations.
  • Estimated time to complete: 2 day, in-person course

Cost: No Cost Training. If employer is registered with WorkSafeBC in the Construction Sector (Classification Unit (CU) 72), or (CU) 704008, or 712033 then employees are eligible for FREE training. Simply enter a valid CU number on the registration form. A deposit is charged upon registration and released upon successful completion of the course.

Concrete Technology

• Held at BCIT Burnaby Campus
• Evening course for 12 weeks – CIVL 2123
• Not offered every semester

Cost: $800 (approx.)

Concrete Technologist Training & Certification

• In-Person course offering – United States-based
• Calendar of Conferences, Events and Education/Training
• Short Course – 1 day

Cost: $1500 (USD)

Pervious Concrete Technician

Webinars & Courses

NMRCA Publications

Introduction to Concrete Fundamentals Module 1 – “Concrete 101”

Cost: $1,400 (USD)

Concrete Flatwork Finisher

• Practical experience and written exam

Concrete Flatwork Finisher

• Written exam only

ACI 318-19: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

• In-person seminar: $ 695.00 (USD)

• Copy (hard or digital): $ 299.00 (USD)

• Important statistical information for mix strengths/designs

ACI University

• Courses

• Webinars

Customized training in person and online

Concrete Strength Testing

Copy cost: $ 207 (USD)

Self Consolidating Concrete Testing

Copy cost: $ 259 (USD)

Many Standards & Publications

Lots of technical courses and demonstrations

Cost: Mostly Free

Lots of static equipment displays

Usually held in February in Las Vegas