A Low Carbon Concrete Future
5 Low Carbon Levers
It is the material that forms the backbone of our modern world and has so dramatically improved the quality of our lives, it is hard to realize how much this material is integrated with how we work, live, laugh, and play every day. It offers durability, strength, resilience, safety and so much more in buildings and infrastructure all around you. The concrete industry in British Columbia, Canada, and around the world, is taking action to actively and openly address our industry’s global-warming challenges with goals of net-zero carbon by 2050 with important milestones in 2030.
So as we all accelerate together on this journey, we’re pleased to share that there are
Lower Carbon Concrete Levers Already Available Today…
Build with Strength.
Of all the construction materials available today, concrete is perhaps the most ubiquitous and unique. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world and is produced and consumed in every part of our country. In fact, no construction takes place without the use of some concrete product.
Go Bold. Go Strong.

Our mission is to educate the building and design communities and policymakers on the benefits of ready mixed concrete, and encourage its use as the building material of choice for low- to mid-rise structures. No other material can replicate concrete’s advantages in terms of strength, durability, safety and ease of use.
Why Build With Concrete?
Carbon Footprint
The Lowest
The lowest carbon footprint
for a structure or
pavement over its lifecycle.
Thermal Mass
Very Efficient
Maximized energy efficiency via thermal mass.
You save with using concrete.
Tough Stuff
A building material that doesn’t burn, rust or rot.
You save when using concrete.
Keeps Going
Can hold its own in any environment.
You save when using concrete. You save with ConcreteBC.
Long-Term Benefits
Low maintenance costs.
You save when using concrete. You save with ConcreteBC.
Many Applications
Concrete can be molded into any shape, colour or pattern imaginable!
You save when using concrete.
Great News
Concrete has no off-gassing.
You save when using concrete. You save with ConcreteBC.
Concrete applications have
excellent vibration
and sound insulating.